Love Pack

Love pack


Serving South Orange County, ca

To BOOK a walk or training session, please Text or call

Whitney Rose

(949) 350-1551

Whitney Rose and Jin the Jindo



the love pack way

“Because of the dog's joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small gift. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born. What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass? What would this world be like without dogs?”

- Mary Oliver, poet and animal lover

Driven by a deep love for dogs and people, Love Pack is dedicated to offering personalized enrichment for your dog, all while keeping your pack's unique needs in mind.

I promise that while your dog is in my care, I will treat him/her as the special individual that he/she is— I delight in getting to know each dog’s distinct personality and quirks! My goal is to ensure a safe and rewarding adventure on every outing with your dog(s). My training sessions are for both young and senior pups—it’s never too late to learn good manners! I cherish the opportunity to spend my days surrounded by joyful, furry faces with the kindest hearts of this world.

- Whitney Rose, walker/trainer/friend of dogs

  • Certified Advanced Canine Training Professional (C.A.C.T.P)

  • Certificate in Animal-Assisted Therapy from Animal Behavior Institute



Services & Rates


30 Min Solo walk ($15)

  • Walking with your dog around his or her neighborhood for half an hour

  • Ensuring he or she stays properly hydrated throughout and following the walk

  • Staying attentive to your dog’s needs during the walk

  • Texting/emailing (whichever is your preference) a detailed report of the walk including photos/video clips

60 Min Solo Walk ($20)

  • Walking with your dog around his or her neighborhood for an hour (or longer, upon request)

  • Ensuring he or she stays properly hydrated throughout and following the walk

  • Staying attentive to your dog’s needs during the walk

  • Texting/emailing (whichever is your preference) a detailed report of the walk including photos/video clips

Puppy/Adult DOG obedience training ($30/hr)

  • Positive reinforcement training is used to teach your dog of any age good manners (cues such as sit, stay, heel, come, leave-it, drop-it)

Therapy dog training ($30/hr)

  • Positive reinforcement training is used to teach your dog of any age how to become a therapy dog (calm temperament required)

  • After learning all of the basic commands taught in puppy/adult obedience training, your dog will be introduced to different stimuli and environments pertaining to therapy dog work (walkers, canes, wheelchairs, senior care facilities, hospitals, for instance); the goal is to help increase his or her comfort level with the new experiences he or she may encounter in this rewarding line of work

    • Looking to train your dog in order to get certified with an organization like the OCSPCA? I am pleased to offer training for your dog in accordance with the organization’s specific therapy dog guidelines

Special Requests

  • Senior dog care services offered

  • No additional fee for feedings

  • Pet Gear dog stroller available upon request (+$5) for strolling a dog (100 lb max.) around your neighborhood (helpful for taking injured/disabled/elderly pups for a walk)

She handles our easily excitable dog like a calm alpha. Whenever we leave special instructions or requests, we know she will read them thoroughly and follow through completely. Her post-walk text reports are detailed, enjoyable to read, and clearly demonstrates her passion for dogs and her strong work ethic. We are grateful for Whitney!
— Serena L.
Whitney is so appreciated! I can tell she truly cares about her clients (dogs and dog parents). Thank you.
— Jill C.
She came so last minute and walked a long distance with my boys. Whitney was absolutely fabulous!
— Barbara G.
Whitney was great! Theodore is a very timid rescue and she did great gaining his confidence. The pictures were just an added bonus. You can clearly see he had a blast. Thank you!
— Liz G.
Whitney was very nice and professional. Eve seemed very happy after her walk and is sound asleep now. Thank you!
— Justine D.
Pet Gear dog stroller available upon request

Pet Gear dog stroller available upon request



love pack smiles



Frequently Asked Questions

How do you retrieve my dog for his walk if i’m not home?

Most owners provide access to their home by leaving a key in a secure location or lockbox.

Are you insured?

Yes! Love Pack LLC has General Liability insurance.

Do you communicate with me before/following the walk?

When I arrive at your residence, I send a text or email (whichever is your preference) letting you know that I have arrived. I track the distance and map the walk from my watch, providing you with the specifics following our journey. If you have any special requests, like feeding your pup before I leave, I’m happy to help. Following the walk, I’ll send you a text/email report of the adventure, including details and photos/video clips.

Pet Care and Pet Sitting Insurance Seal